Dealing with rising medical device recalls

Recently another class 1 medical device recall has surfaced involving cardiovascular products from St. Jude Medical.  As class 1 recalls are reserved for cases with a “reasonable probability that use of the product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death“ it is certainly a priority for healthcare providers to be able to locate and […]

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Mobile Aspects customers save $2M annually by eliminating expiration costs

It’s estimated that clients using Mobile Aspects supply management technologies are reducing waste in healthcare delivery by eliminating nearly $2 million annually in inventory expiration costs. In an environment where ongoing cost pressures are forcing care providers to maximize efficiency, these cost reductions are creating significant value. In the brief video aside, a Mobile Aspects

Mobile Aspects customers save $2M annually by eliminating expiration costs Read More »

Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages 3) Value Analysis

As we continue our overview of AHRMM’s roundtable discussion it is becoming more evident that members of the supply chain have the unique ability to make significant contributions to organizational cost reduction goals. One way of doing this is through an emphasis on value analysis. Value analysis and standardization committees are being increasingly used to

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Goldilocks: The importance of “Just Right” in this volatile healthcare environment

The Healthcare debate started by our President is a bold step forward for this country. The resulting healthcare legislation was not the end of an arduous process, but in fact, was the beginning. Some say it is good, some say it is bad. Whichever camp you are in, or if your are still deciding, one

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Supply Management Strategies: Value versus Volume

The word “value” can mean many different things to many different people.  For healthcare providers using Mobile Aspects RFID based supply storage and tracking systems it has come to mean impressive ROI’s and an unprecedented level of insight in the form of accurate, real-time data. At the heart of our supply management systems design is

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Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages 2) Leveraging Technology

One thing is abundantly clear after reviewing AHRMM’s recent roundtable comprised of healthcare supply chain thought leaders.  Investment in new technologies will greatly improve efficiency within the healthcare supply chain empowering it to drive out waste and inefficiencies which plague many organizations today. Simply saying new technologies will eliminate waste is simply a broad starting

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What a Shoe Salesman (and a Cabinet Maker) Can Teach Us About Customer Service

Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, wrote a terrific article in the August, 2010 Harvard Business Review.  He recognized that he and his company have one product: customer service.  They don’t make a widget, they just resell someone else’s widgets.  But his company goes the extra mile in everything they do in customer service and

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Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages: 1) Data Standardization

Although many may perceive healthcare to be delivered at a local level, healthcare is by nature a global sector.  Specific to supply chain management, the requisition and delivery of goods is often crossing borders and inventories are being filled with any number of products from different manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.  Aside from the external complexities

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Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages

Recently, The Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management (AHRMM) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) held a round table discussion comprised of Healthcare Supply Chain thought leaders.  The Round table was convened as a means of engaging supply chain leaders in discussions that would generate concepts and ideas for advancing the industry in the

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Assessing the Adoption of RFID Technology by Healthcare Providers

Recently HIMSS released the results of a survey of healthcare professionals around the use of RFID technology within healthcare.  In reviewing the highlights of the survey, some interesting observations emerge: 1. Application of RFID technology towards patient safety and quality is of higher need and priority. Nearly one-third of respondents believe that widespread use of

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