What a Shoe Salesman (and a Cabinet Maker) Can Teach Us About Customer Service

Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, wrote a terrific article in the August, 2010 Harvard Business Review.  He recognized that he and his company have one product: customer service.  They don’t make a widget, they just resell someone else’s widgets.  But his company goes the extra mile in everything they do in customer service and […]

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Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages: 1) Data Standardization

Although many may perceive healthcare to be delivered at a local level, healthcare is by nature a global sector.  Specific to supply chain management, the requisition and delivery of goods is often crossing borders and inventories are being filled with any number of products from different manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.  Aside from the external complexities

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Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages

Recently, The Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management (AHRMM) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) held a round table discussion comprised of Healthcare Supply Chain thought leaders.  The Round table was convened as a means of engaging supply chain leaders in discussions that would generate concepts and ideas for advancing the industry in the

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Assessing the Adoption of RFID Technology by Healthcare Providers

Recently HIMSS released the results of a survey of healthcare professionals around the use of RFID technology within healthcare.  In reviewing the highlights of the survey, some interesting observations emerge: 1. Application of RFID technology towards patient safety and quality is of higher need and priority. Nearly one-third of respondents believe that widespread use of

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Seek Change: Inventory Management using RFID Technology

Healthcare is often labeled as a laggard when it comes to innovation and already thin budgets are feeling the effect of waste more than ever in light of the current economy. Competing capital projects and limited resources hold some care providers back but often the biggest factor driving lack of adoption is a mindset – a feeling that keeping the status quo is the easiest and cheapest option.

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Approaches to Drive Innovation

May 18, 2010 Innovation can come through a variety of approaches and strategies.  At Mobile Aspects, we focus on developing solutions organically thorough collaboration with our customers.  It is at the heart of our innovation-driven approach.  That approach has lead to creative solutions for hospital inventory management, tissue tracking, and endoscope tracking.  The solutions were

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Create Accountability through Process Automation

A recent article that appeared in the New York Times was titled ‘When Heart Devices Fail, Who is to Blame?’.  The central theme of the article focused on the struggles to establish accountability between various parties in the care delivery process when things go wrong.   In this case, when faulty heart defibrillators are manufactured, distributed,

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