Patient Safety

What makes blood tracking in Trauma Centers and Emergency Departments so unique and how you can improve it

An insufficient blood supply can have severe negative impacts on hospitals, especially in a Trauma Centers or Emergency Department. A shortage of blood is an obstacle to properly treat trauma patients, provide blood transfusions, and conduct elective surgeries. Trauma Centers and Emergency Departments require Type O-negative blood, which is also known as uncrossmatched blood, for […]

What makes blood tracking in Trauma Centers and Emergency Departments so unique and how you can improve it Read More »

Why Documenting Blood Use in Emergency Departments and Trauma Centers Is So Critical

Documentation of supplies in hospitals is extremely important, and when it comes to uncrossmatched blood, also known as O –negative, it becomes absolutely critical. O-negative blood is the most required blood type in Emergency and Trauma centers due to its near universal applicability. Because of its broad applicability, time doesn’t need to be spent verifying

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How a New Solution For Blood Bag Tracking Can Help Emergency Departments and Trauma Centers Improve Performance During a Blood Shortage

Type O negative blood is considered the universal blood type since it can be used for most recipients with a minimal risk of infection, making it beneficial in trauma situations where the time to crossmatch blood types is unavailable. However, due to factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic limiting donation opportunities and an increase in

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How a New Breed of Endoscope Channel Drying Cabinets Is Separating Itself From the Pack

Based on evolving guidance around the reprocessing and disinfection of flexible endoscopes, many hospitals are updating their procedures to include the drying of endoscope channels. This is due to the increasing evidence that simply hanging scopes vertically or flushing channels with alcohol after disinfection still leaves moisture within channels. The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses &

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How a New Method is Reducing Endoscope Channel Drying Times Down to Only 10 Minutes

Nearly all infection control and endoscopy societies agree that channel drying is an essential step when reprocessing endoscopes. The reprocessing of flexible endoscopes after use is a complex, multi-step process. Residual moisture within endoscope channels may promote retention and proliferation of waterborne pathogens, and inadequately dried endoscopes have been associated with growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

How a New Method is Reducing Endoscope Channel Drying Times Down to Only 10 Minutes Read More »

Endoscope Channel Drying Is Essential for patient safety. Here’s why.

With frequent outbreaks of superbugs being linked to poorly disinfected endoscopes over the last decade, ensuring the cleanliness of endoscopes has been top of mind for many hospitals. While many hospitals have been cited for poor disinfection practices with their endoscopes, there has also been a rise in attention around the effective drying of endoscopes

Endoscope Channel Drying Is Essential for patient safety. Here’s why. Read More »

How Hospitals Can Help Offset the Rising Costs of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Due to an aging population, the number of patients with heart valve disease requiring valve replacement is expected to rise, reaching more than 800 000 annual procedures worldwide by 2050. The total cost of these surgeries is expected to grow by 10% through 2025, reaching over $10 billion. The cost of an average heart valve to

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The Growing Cost of Medical Implants and How Proper Inventory Management Can Help

Costs of medical implants are growing rapidly and according to one recent estimate, the medical implants market reached $89.2 billion in 2020 and is growing at 6.5% annually. As implants are a required, rapidly growing expense for the healthcare industry, hospitals should manage their implant inventory consciously. Surgery is an expensive and complicated endeavor, and

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Nurses Face Severe Challenges With Supply Chain Issues

A new survey conducted by Sage Growth Partners revealed that a vast majority of nurses feel overwhelmed with supply management tasks and are looking for better software tools to help alleviate the burden. The survey reached out to over 100 nurses – 50 nurse leaders and 50 front-line nurses – and asked them a series

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FDA Issues New Warning About Infection Risks From Urological Endoscopes

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a letter to healthcare providers warning about the risk of infection associated with poorly reprocessed urological endoscopes. The letter from the FDA mentions that there have been over 450 Medical Device Reports filed by healthcare facilities that detail the patient infections associated with contaminated cystoscopes,

FDA Issues New Warning About Infection Risks From Urological Endoscopes Read More »