Patient Safety

Hospitals Are Being Penalized By CMS For Hospital Acquired Infections – How Can They Stop The Bleeding?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released its list of penalized hospitals for 2021 under its Hospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction Program. This year’s list includes 774 hospitals that will have their Medicare payments cut by 1% for the remainder of the year. The 774 hospitals represent the bottom quartile of hospitals in terms […]

Hospitals Are Being Penalized By CMS For Hospital Acquired Infections – How Can They Stop The Bleeding? Read More »

Mobile Aspects Releases Software To Streamline Blood Bag Management In Hospitals

Why is Blood Bag Tracking Necessary? In many hospitals across the world, the tracking and documentation of blood bags are inherently difficult processes. Blood bags are typically stored in fridges and cooling chambers in central areas of the hospital such as the Emergency Department. When transfusion becomes necessary during a surgery, one or many blood

Mobile Aspects Releases Software To Streamline Blood Bag Management In Hospitals Read More »

Mobile Aspects Releases First RFID Drying Cabinets With UVC Light To Aid In Endoscope Decontamination

As the world suffers from the increasing number of COVID–19 infections, the call for a more secure and safe medical environment has become paramount. Hospitals across the United States must keep a close eye on hygiene to avoid any unnecessary health hazards. As an organization that specializes in endoscope management and tracking, Mobile Aspects continues

Mobile Aspects Releases First RFID Drying Cabinets With UVC Light To Aid In Endoscope Decontamination Read More »

Study Of Endosopes With Disposable Elevator Caps Shows Great Promise

Endoscopes with disposable components, as well as fully disposable endoscopes, have been introduced recently to reduce the risk of contamination of endoscopes between procedures. A recent study looked at the quality of duodenoscopes with disposable elevator caps (DEC) to see how they performed when utilized by endoscopists who are used to utilizing traditional duodenoscopes. The

Study Of Endosopes With Disposable Elevator Caps Shows Great Promise Read More »

Why Infection Preventionists Must Keep A Closer Eye On Endoscope Reprocessing

Hospitals are beginning to spend a lot of time planning for a post-Covid environment. However, one lasting effect of Covid-19 will be the constant focus on infectious diseases and preventing the next pandemic from occurring. Endoscopes, as instruments that have been linked with many superbug outbreaks in the recent past, need another look to make

Why Infection Preventionists Must Keep A Closer Eye On Endoscope Reprocessing Read More »

Expect More Virtual Accreditation Surveys As Pandemic Rages On

As DNV GL Healthcare (DNV), The Joint Commission (TJC) and other accreditation organizations continue to utilize virtual surveys in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many hospitals are scrambling to prepare their documentation for virtual audits. These accreditation visits are crucial to hospitals that require successful surveys in order to receive funds from the Centers

Expect More Virtual Accreditation Surveys As Pandemic Rages On Read More »

Olympus Warns That Its EUS Scopes May Pose Infection Risk

Olympus recently issued an Urgent Field Safety Notice regarding the usage of its Endoscopic Ultrasound Endoscopes (EUS). The recall from Olympus comes on the heels of several potential safety issues regarding endoscope reprocessing over the past several years. All of the major endoscope manufacturers had gone through several rounds of notices regarding the usage and

Olympus Warns That Its EUS Scopes May Pose Infection Risk Read More »

Hospitals Need To Take Another Look At Their Endoscope Disinfection Protocols

With infectious diseases in the spotlight due to the recent surge of Covid-19 in the United States, hospitals must do all they can to ensure the highest levels of effectiveness of their disinfection and sterilization protocols. With this in mind, hospitals need to re-examine their endoscope reprocessing protocols to ensure they meet the highest standards,

Hospitals Need To Take Another Look At Their Endoscope Disinfection Protocols Read More »

Half of Hospitals Not Prepared For Virtual Accreditation Surveys

With The Joint Commission (TJC) and other accreditation organizations moving to more virtual surveys in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many hospitals are scrambling to prepare their documentation for a virtual world. These accreditation visits are crucial to hospitals that require successful surveys in order to receive funds from the Centers for Medicare and

Half of Hospitals Not Prepared For Virtual Accreditation Surveys Read More »

How One Hospital Adjusted Their Endoscopy Practice To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19

As the Covid-19 pandemic surges across the world, hospitals have had to adjust their practices to minimize patient exposure to the virus. Endoscopic procedures, which introduce reusable endoscopes into the body, are one procedure that many have identified as an area at high risk. One hospital in Italy recently published research about their experience updating

How One Hospital Adjusted Their Endoscopy Practice To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19 Read More »