
Patient Safety Impact of Medical Device Recalls

What is a Medical Device Recall? A recall is an action taken to address a problem with a medical device that violates FDA law. Recalls occur when a medical device is defective, when it could be a risk to health, or when it is both defective and a risk to health. A medical device recall […]

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Inventory Tune-Up Drives Yearly Savings

Often we hear, when talking with hospitals that they only expect to get a one time savings with our inventory solution. They’ll say, “With your solution, we are really only going to see a reduction in inventory on the initial install of your product. Thus, only realizing a one-time cost savings.” This has been their

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Massachusetts General Shares Keys To Success at RFID in Healthcare 2012

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), a 1,000-bed teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, and recent recipient of the #1 ranking in US News & World Reports 2012 Best Hospitals is expanding its use of radio frequency identification for surgical supply & implant tracking. Robert M. Sheridan, the director of interventional radiology spoke about the key decisions

Massachusetts General Shares Keys To Success at RFID in Healthcare 2012 Read More »

RFID Enabled Clinical Resource Management Solution Featured in Journal of the American College of Radiology Independent Research Study

The March issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR) features a non sponsored independent research study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital.  The article titled: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for Inventory Management in Neurointerventional Practice, seeks to highlight potential financial advantages, benefits to quality and safety as well as increases in staff

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Massachusetts General Hospital Achieves Results with Mobile Aspects Integrated RFID Supply Cabinets

Mobile Aspects RFID TechnologyIncreases Charge Capture by 25% and Reduces Inventory Stock-Outs At Massachusetts General Hospital PITTSBURGH, PA – November 3, 2010 – Mobile Aspects announced today that Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has fully implemented its radio frequency identification (RFID) enabled supply automation system to store, track, and manage medical devices and supplies used for

Massachusetts General Hospital Achieves Results with Mobile Aspects Integrated RFID Supply Cabinets Read More »

Are buttons pushing your buttons?

Anyone who has worked within a hospital, specifically in perioperative services knows that healthcare providers have a habit for using “sticky” things to capture data. Whether its removing a sticker off a product and placing it on a “charge sheet”, putting the sticker on our own lab coat to record later or even using post

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Mobile Aspects customers save $2M annually by eliminating expiration costs

It’s estimated that clients using Mobile Aspects supply management technologies are reducing waste in healthcare delivery by eliminating nearly $2 million annually in inventory expiration costs. In an environment where ongoing cost pressures are forcing care providers to maximize efficiency, these cost reductions are creating significant value. In the brief video aside, a Mobile Aspects

Mobile Aspects customers save $2M annually by eliminating expiration costs Read More »

Assessing the Adoption of RFID Technology by Healthcare Providers

Recently HIMSS released the results of a survey of healthcare professionals around the use of RFID technology within healthcare.  In reviewing the highlights of the survey, some interesting observations emerge: 1. Application of RFID technology towards patient safety and quality is of higher need and priority. Nearly one-third of respondents believe that widespread use of

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Seek Change: Inventory Management using RFID Technology

Healthcare is often labeled as a laggard when it comes to innovation and already thin budgets are feeling the effect of waste more than ever in light of the current economy. Competing capital projects and limited resources hold some care providers back but often the biggest factor driving lack of adoption is a mindset – a feeling that keeping the status quo is the easiest and cheapest option.

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