Tissue Management

Global Healthcare Company Mobile Aspects Announces Industry-First Blood Product

The product, iRISecure Blood, is an industry-first RFID transfusion and safety system for hospital emergency departments and trauma centers. [Pittsburgh, PA – October 19, 2021] Mobile Aspects, a global healthcare software company that helps hospitals become safer and more efficient, today announced the first end-to-end RFID Bloodbag tracking system, iRISecure Blood. This new solution is […]

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Half of Hospitals Not Prepared For Virtual Accreditation Surveys

With The Joint Commission (TJC) and other accreditation organizations moving to more virtual surveys in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many hospitals are scrambling to prepare their documentation for a virtual world. These accreditation visits are crucial to hospitals that require successful surveys in order to receive funds from the Centers for Medicare and

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How To Create A Culture Of Safety Across A Growing Health System

Hospitals continue to fight the trends of declining reimbursements and increasing expenses with a multi-pronged attack. One of the favorite tools of larger health systems that are staving off shrinking margins is hospital consolidation. The idea goes that as more hospitals are brought into the health system, efficiencies can be gained by sending less profitable

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Are Stock Outs Giving You Headaches? How To Eliminate Them With Supply Automation Software

With many hospitals still relying on manual processes or antiquated technologies for managing their expensive supplies and implants, they are facing a multitude of consequences that are affecting their ability to provide safe and efficient healthcare. Some of the consequences of inadequate supply management techniques include using expired implants, gross overstocking of supplies, poor revenue

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Track Tissue From Dock To Patient With This Automation Technology

Many Perioperative departments have told us that their recent visits by The Joint Commission (TJC) included a more in-depth review of their tissue implant logs. A number of Perioperative administrators and nurses agreed that during their last visit from TJC they wanted to see a higher level of documentation when it comes to tracking tissue

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How One Tissue Manager Passed Their Joint Commission Survey

A customer recently relayed on to us their experience going through a Joint Commission accreditation survey. The tissue manager in the operating rooms of this particular hospital utilizes Mobile Aspects’ iRISecure system to track their tissue. She uses iRISecure to ensure the quality of documentation for patient safety and regulatory compliance. The Joint Commission (“TJC”)

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Is The Joint Commission Too Conflicted?

Continued pressure on The Joint Commission (TJC) is calling into question whether or not the non-profit organization best known for its hospital accreditation services is too conflicted to provide high quality accreditation surveys. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is weighing a decision to allow accreditation organizations that also have consulting arms to

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Tissue Documentation Lacking? This Technology Can Help

In the past few years, we have heard the stories about surprise inspections from The Joint Commission (TJC) from many of our customers. The tissue managers and operating room administrators have all agreed on two points: 1) TJC, state Departments of Health and the FDA have all been focused on the tissue management and documentation

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The Key Inventory Management Metric For Hospitals To Track

As hospital executives look for new opportunities to reduce costs in an era when value is taking over for volume, the supply chain is increasingly coming in to focus. For too long, hospital supply chains – more specifically the procedures for managing surgical implants and supplies that make up a large share of supply costs

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UDI One Step Closer To Reality

The United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and its European equivalents are currently conducting a real-world pilot aimed at bringing unique device identifiers (UDIs) one step closer to reality. UDIs have been a long-term dream for many in healthcare, who view the ability to track and trace medical devices using unique item-level codes as

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