Mobile Aspects Launches SurgiCart, The First RFID Hospital Solution Supporting Multiple Procedural Areas at Once

Mobile inventory solution, SurgiCart, offers RFID, supply tracking and automation features

PITTSBURGH, July 15, 2024 — Mobile Aspects, a Pittsburgh-based health care logistics platform provider, has officially launched a new health system mobile inventory solution called SurgiCart. SurgiCart is the only RFID mobile case cart available on the market designed to solve one of the biggest challenges health systems face today: tracking and locating supplies in a rapidly moving, ever-changing health care environment.

Health systems are evolving to merge multiple procedural service areas into one operating unit, and they need modern and effective tools to navigate supply tracking and inventory for each procedure and department. SurgiCart encompasses all the benefits of Mobile Aspects’ standard RFID systems, in addition to data collection and automation, for easy mobile inventory tracking across procedural service areas and cases. It allows providers to wirelessly send implant and supply usage data to patient Electronic Health Records (EHRs), without having to jump through additional hoops.

“Mobile Aspects has worked closely with top academic hospitals to deliver the next generation of our RFID mobile cart – SurgiCart,” said Suneil Mandava, Mobile Aspects founder and CEO. “These hospitals have partnered with us to design a powerful, flexible solution that enables them to conduct a variety of complex procedures in the same procedure room. We are excited about the results we have seen so far and know this will be an invaluable tool as hospitals move forward with new models of healthcare delivery.”

Not only is SurgiCart adaptable and easily movable, but it enables providers to schedule different cases back-to-back, without scrambling to locate supplies right before – or during –procedures. A hospital can schedule a thoracic procedure at 7 a.m., followed by a neurology case at 9 a.m., all in the same procedure room, without having to search for supplies on a different department floor.

Our hospital has faced a huge operational challenge with finding ways to schedule different types of procedures in the same case rooms throughout the day, and moving supplies and resources to the proper location, in a timely manner, across many blocks and floors,” said the Director of Interventional Radiology at a large academic medical center. “The RFID SurgiCart is a major part of our strategy for addressing these challenges. Since integrating SurgiCart in our operations, providers now know they have everything they need for a case – all the sizes of supplies that they need – and they can get them to wherever they need to go very quickly. SurgiCart helps save lives by locating and restocking inventory in seconds.”

The solution has already been implemented at a top 20 research hospital in the northeast and tested with various leading academic medical centers throughout the country, and it has allowed health systems to make great strides in improving operations and efficiency across their dynamic departments. SurgiCart works seamlessly with the rest of Mobile Aspects’ RFID platforms to share updates about refills and cart needs with providers at a moment’s notice.

This renowned medical center has shared feedback from its doctors that they love the ease of being able to wheel an entire cart of inventory into an operating room and reach for the right tool exactly when they need it, rather than having to grab a handful of materials from down the hall, before or during each procedure.

Through partnerships with this institution and other major health systems, Mobile Aspects aims to continue reshaping health care and helping hospitals streamline their processes and improve patient outcomes.

For more information about Mobile Aspects’ SurgiCart and its benefits for health systems, please click here.


Mobile Aspects pioneers new methods for modernizing and optimizing the care delivery process in health systems. A Pittsburgh-based private entity backed by patented technologies, Mobile Aspects eliminates manual and fallible practices to make hospitals safer and less at risk for sentinel events. For more information, visit